How To Clean Beats Headphones From Sweat 2024

Hey guys!

I am Jimmy Cartillo a music enthusiast and I provide solutions regarding how to clean Beats headphones from sweat.

Clean Beats Headphones From Sweat by using cotton soft cloth

If you have been using headphones for a long time during exercise in the gym or running without a break then sweat will disrupt your ear comfort.

You can’t stop sweating but you can take care of your Beats headphones by using some tips.

In this article, I will share my personal solutions which I used to clean my Beats headphones from sweat and sweat smell.

You are a Beats headphones user and want to know how to clean Beats headphones from Sweats.

So let’s dive with me, I will guide you.

Why Clean Headphones From Sweat?

The proper care of your Beats headphones can increase their durability.

Sweat can damage the headphone cushions if you do not clean properly it will seep into the cushion.

The more sweat seeps into the cushion the the more quickly it can damage your headphones.

Over time this leads to cracking and lacking.

Proper cleaning of sweat can prevent the headphones from becoming smelly, dirty

That is why you need to clean headphones from sweat properly.

How To Clean Beats Headphones From Sweat?

You need to maintain proper hygiene of your headphones.

If you do not clean headphones properly then it will create a mess for you because it will be more hectic in the future, and it can cause skin infection or skin irritation.

Your Beats headphones should be water-resistant but not sweatproof, so be careful while you clean Beats headphones from sweat.

Before going for the cleaning procedure you need to avoid damaging your Beats headphones when you clean them:

  • Do not use external sources for drying purposes. (Example hair dryer)
  • Make sure while you cleaning headphones water should not enter any openings.
  • There are a lot of cleaning products available in the market please don’t use them.
  • Do not use compressed air.
  • Don’t use a sharp-edge tool to clean headphones.

Step By Step Cleaning Procedure

These steps will help you to remove dirt, clean sweat, and sweat smell.

  1. If your headphones are turned on then first turn off them.
  2. Take a dry cleaning cloth and wipe up the dust and sweat or oil.
  3. You can also use tissue paper to wipe the sweat.
  4. Use a damp cloth or towel with soap to clean cushions which is affected by sweat.
  5. After proper cleaning, you can use your headphones.

Note: Use these steps 2 times a week to maintain hygiene.

Tips To Avoid Skin Irritation By Sweating

As we discussed above sweat can cause skin irritation if your skin is sensitive, So I will provide you with some tips to avoid skin irritation.

  • If you have any kind of skin allergy issue then you need to check the headphones material is suitable for you.
  • Try to wear Beats headphones with the correct fit.
  • Clean consistently your Beats headphones at certain intervals of time.
  • Keep your Beats headphones dry.

How To Clean Beats Headphones From Sweat Smell?

You should notice sometimes sweat creates a smell of the mix with headphone’s plastic material.

I personally use some techniques to remove the smell.

  • Ear pads mainly smell very bad due to sweat so remove ear pads and clean them.
  • You can use Vinegar because it can remove the smell, so take a box put your headphones in the box with a small glass of vinegar, and check after a few hours it’s the smell is gone.
  • You can also use charcoal because it also absorbs smell, so take your headphones and put them into the plastic bag with charcoal and seal them properly. after a few hours, the smell will gone.
  • Place the headphones in the bag of rice for some days it also works.

Can Headphones Be Damaged By Sweat?

No, headphones do not damage your headphones but sweat can damage some parts like earpads and headband cushions because it is not sweatproof.

If your headphones earpads and headband cushion are made up of leather then you can easily wipe the sweat and clean them with cloths but if they are made with porous material then you need to clean them frequently for long use.


Can sweat break my headphones?


Do beats get ruined with sweat?

yes, because it is not waterproof

Are Beats headphones sweatproof?


Wrapping Up

In this article, I mentioned all the possible ways to clean Beats headphones from sweat. Sweat can damage your headphones pads and headband cushions so clean them regularly.

While cleaning headphones remember one thing do not seep a single drop of water in the opening of the headphones.

Do follow the proper steps mentioned in the post to clean Beats headphones from sweat.

If you have any queries regarding the post please feel free to ask in the comment box.

Thank you!

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